How to Transform Your Initial Visit to an Oncology
A medical checkup, regardless of how simple the condition is, has never been easy for anyone. The situation is...
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Clothing in Oncology Nursing: Why Is It So Important?
Nursing, in general, requires very specific clothing. A nurse, when caring for a patient, cannot have just any clothes....
UK Oncology Nursing in Paedatrics
It takes a very special individual to become an oncology nurse. Patients that are battling cancer often have a...
How Can Seminars Encourage Nurses to Specialize in Oncology
Many nurses are quite happy with the decision they have made to become nurses. Their decision making doesn’t end...
Seminars, Oncology & Nursing
Nursing is, without a doubt, one of the noblest professions in the world. Nurses are often there as a...
UK Oncology Nurses Dealing with Pallliative Care Responsibilities
When it comes to cancer there are many patients that are able to be successfully treated. Then there are...
Speciality Training for Oncology Nurses in the UK
Oncology nurses in the UK have to go through additional nurses training that is extensive. Within the realm of...
What Kind of Seminars Are Available for Oncology Nurses?
There are many seminars available to oncology nurses. They vary from proper nutrition for cancer patients to providing palliative...
The Importance of Nursing Seminars and Medical Breakthroughs
Very few oncology nurses just attend seminars because they believe it is expected of them. Or use it as...
Why oncology nurses’ importance extends beyond the treatment ward
Oncology is one area of medicine and health care that has taken great prominence in health debates in recent...